Repositioning: A few notes for the never weary and never faint at heart, among or amog whom I don’t count myself frequently.
As I come to the end of editing and placing the text with images, I reversed the page order. A note like this floated on the wave of the first entry that appeared in the blog over the next and final block of time as a clue to the directional shift. It is one of the play strategies in action. There will still be a little bit of editing, but the gist is that day by day the 'seven' entries of each level starting at the end now occupy the first position, backing our way to the beginning into the final bookish form. It finally starts on site with the beginning of our playful encounter.
Here's what to expect. Each on the following levels will offer a series of approaches to playfulness. Although they can be followed as a complete exploration of the level, I'd suggest choosing one entry from each level. After making a path through the levels, either spend more time on a level that engages, or pass through the levels again making different choices.
The levels start with an introduction[1], then comes a note[2], then a journal entry[3], and then a pocket[4]. The next levels describe play behaviors, starting with repetition[5], transformation[6], imagination[7], altered time[8], and unexpected elaboration[9.] From there we move to perspective[10], and more imagination[11.] Then there are 3 levels of appendices[12-14.] Finally there are afterwords[15.] I will admit that some levels have as few entrees as three and the afterwords extend to 21. I liked thinking in cycles of seven. Hopefully this provides enough orientation.
My deepest wish is that entries will invite greater playfulness in life.