Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a third approach

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

first next thoughts on play

just past the equinox
painting two hours a day
hot dogs at the golf course cafe at point roberts

this is a new attempt to put my ideas about play in a format that can be found on the internet.

what i realized in my exploration of play, is that it takes a certain attitude to experience life playfully. all my attempts to make exercises that enhance a sense of the healing, required a playful attitude toward the exercises i suggested. that meant that a person could be playful or not. this caused a certain sense of disappointment. (not experienced playfully.) and so i set the exercises aside.

now, i believe that people who have a playful spirit can explore these ideas and see if a healing sense of balance ensues.


noler said...

I'll go out and play with you anytime Don. Always fun when you're around.

Archives team said...

How to make the writing as fun and playful as the person? Have you read anything by George Perec? My writing is pretty leaden, so I have no words of wisdom, except keep writing! And enjoy the playfulness of it.

Speaking of wobbling, my dad has been pretty wobbly lately. Sometimes he just forgets to balance his weight. Perhaps he's trying to tell us something. Perhaps it has to do with perspective, balance and feeling light on your feet.

Good to see your blog. I'll check back often.