Tuesday, April 13, 2010

11th Avenue three friends real and imaginary

B teaches me that rush comes from a sound of water and to repeat myself as often as needed.

Exercise #2: No Rush

For example, let’s start with the concept of rush. Let's choose 'no rush.' Create an activity that helps shed light on 'no rush' as a truth. Use some of the ideas we developed earlier to see what might work. The 'no rush' quality for me always centers around gaining perspective on where I stand. Where do I think I want to get so that something about my life becomes more pleasant. I could change perspective by putting something pleasant first; or even better, identifying something pleasant in this moment. Now I can see if a need for anything else exists. To start out, call someone on the phone and set up a time to check in after a certain length of time has elapsed to report on 'no rush.' If we play at not rushing then we may want to account at the end of the interval with the details that enhanced our experience of being alive during these moments, not rushing through life. Let rush be the sound of mountain river water flowing around rocks.

Exercise #2.5 Make a Reminder of Truth

Consider other truths and make specific attributions to those who teach them. Thank them directly or in spirit. We need reminders frequently of these truths. Find activities that can employ a reminder within the community. Spend time inventing new activities to highlight the reminder of the truth. Each truth reminder serves as excellent exercise. Start with one and develop an exercise for it. Extend it to include others. See if friends want to help create the truth reminder. We will find some playmates immediately drawn to certain lessons. Be surprised at who fits into creating reminders.

H teaches me that the road followed engages our sense of purpose, not the arrival at our goal. Actually we don’t follow, we walk the path. We walk, maintaining a clear open heart. The experience of exploring carries on from our earliest experiences. We forget sometimes and relearn it from our friends.

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