Bag ban bah ben bar
Sound, remind me to find my voice. This might be the 9th rendering of these ideas. To find my voice means to remain curious, to yield to wonder and to invite us to follow a path of discovery that isn’t chartered. How do we do that? The metaphor of playing a game fails. We aren’t following a set of rules. It isn’t rules per se; it’s abandoning inflexibility. Notice the invitation. Take off, set a course and explore.
Isn’t our remembered childhood experience that we played at any chance? A door opened to an experience and we popped through. The door is there where once was a seemingly blank wall. Notice these openings; pass through.
Playfulness begs a certain amount of room, not too much and not too little. Does it have to be just right? For each situation there exists a personal fit. Our task becomes the development of sensitivity to that individual “just rightness.” We learn our way in and out of the three bears’ chairs. Sometimes too big fits just right. Sometimes too small fits just right. Sometimes just right needs a little tweak to fit.
Does the threshold of play open at our toes and fingertips, right at the surface of sensation right now?
Invite the intention to elaborate an unexpected playful cycle?
Looking at the value of a bowl
This cupped form
in a green glaze,
like an offering:
none preconceived vessels.
the artist hand
trained in Switzerland.
Other pieces lack the simplicity or mystery
of these bowls.
Does she feel differently,
when she makes these particular objects
and glazes them like this?
Is she at play when she makes them?
What language would she use to describe the creation of these?
Do they retain playfulness?
This bowl reflects something. Maybe it reflects luck.
It captures some balance of life forces. Is it beauty?
Play for the Soul9th editing
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