That I’d like to do.
Elaboration Exercise # 1b: Making It
We can try a similar exercise with something we always wanted to make. The short circuit: “Make it.” Consider something seen in an interior design magazine or a gift shop or a piece of art. Something that evokes in us the “Hey, I could do that” response. This time for the purpose of creative play, hold to that response. We release the attachment to how this turns out. We search after a feeling that engages a process within. Describe how it feels to do this. Make notes; maybe even on the surface or interior of the object created. Or imagine it’s a cake, how about eating it and letting the crumbs fall onto cracks on another surface as a reminder to invite unexpected elaboration. Describe the emotional map passed through in making this object. Retain a perspective of an amused observer. This may provide essential clues to our personal playful identity.
Hands can serve as a barometer of playful activity. Their activity reveals something we can’t measure with thoughts. This type of activity links the body to emotional well being. “Don’t sit still with empty hands, make things?” Playfulness exists in our body. Maybe play simply reflects kinesthetic experience.
Does play represent learning without having to know?
Could playfulness express a personal sign language?
Can we understand play as eternal wisdom coming through our hands?
Play for the Soul9th editing
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