(Never Too Soon...)
Now I get fidgety reading; and I long for a bit of play. I may bite my fingernails, if I have to keep reading. For some our fingers long to play with anything. Do we call this handwork? Or shall we stand up and move about. I remember from school a certain joyful anticipation of recess, but I can’t remember an action that follows standing up. So I would like to enlist help, using memory and random thoughts, fill in what to do. Stand up and….
I immediately want a little neck rubbing. I want to toss something around and see where it lands and toward what it leads. I want to get up and march to a more comfortable chair. And that’s only the start. Expand a list; send comments:
Let’s play as we inquire.
**Access to Creativity
We accurately identify creativity as an integral part of play: the art of play. Then we assume we aren’t creative. Or we heard this somewhere and we heard that creativity represents special skills. Only the talented enter here. These limitations distort our appreciation of our inherent imaginative power. That power has to be encouraged and held with positive intent to deeply entertain and benefit our families, our communities, and society as interconnected world communities.
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