Casting the Spell#4: the Social Spell
Like so many spells, many of them cast off rigid thinking that prevents us from being fully present for our life as it occurs. In the next exercise we are really using a counter spell to stop the stereotypical dance that we developed to protect our self from what we didn’t know already.
[story begat memory begat spells begat flexibility]
To play we will own our projections. Next time in a situation that places us with new people, make note of the people who remind us of other people we already like. Make note of those who remind us of people whom we don’t like, and watch for those who evoke stereotypes of race, gender, age, religion, and sexual preference. Once we lay out our awareness, let the process unfold of being brought together with individuals or groups by chance, and attend to what we learn about our self and our initial impressions. Watch for transformations when the people step out of where we had plugged them in and see where they take on their own energy.
[Awareness begat unfolding begat experience begat transformation]
Words spells
Casting spells and being mindful of how we speak leads us to a loose pun, the value of the spoken word. I delight in the play of malapropisms. We can begin with jokes, which usually take advantage of some aspect of the less fortunate. These root in a reversal of shame. Often it embarrasses us that they make us laugh. This type of joke actually creates a false release of our own shame. We laugh as a signal of relief. Humiliation passed us by. The joke does nothing to lift us up or support our communities. I would compare this to pseudo-playing. It sounds like humor but lacks any of the healing power humor and play portends. When we realize how they work, we can refocus on layers and layers of humor that draw up and dissolve shame though laughter, through twists of the spoken word. Puns carry us back to misspoken language.. Even word plays have a humorous way of bonding people. I believe that stories that reflect back our personal misunderstandings of language pose valid vehicles of humor. Generally these episodes have a time and place for telling. Most of us have found our way to this playground lubricated with alcohol. I gently believe that we can decrease our anxiety by trying to play without the skewed perception that the alcohol introduces.
[speech begat word begat, first words begat story begat memory begat spells begat humor]
*word play:
I hope a previous asterisk created some wonder. Remember it? I was mis-led by the word misled and am part of the group of people who have a verb in their vocabulary, the past tense of misle.
I encourage savoring giggles. Something about a stuffy schoolroom and the unexpected twist of perception casts a playful spell and leaves us vulnerable to waves of barely suppressible laughter. Sadly we learn to suppress this experience and even learn to attach shame around it. I have wanted and still want to hear of a classroom teacher who celebrates the spirit of play that enters when one child begins to giggle and others fall victim to the spell. I encourage anyone present for such a moment to take the plunge and breathe into the laughter wholeheartedly, encouraging others to follow. The several minutes of indulgence reward us immeasurably.
[speech begat word begat first words begat story begat memory begat spells begat humor begat giggles]
1 comment:
Dawn, After careful reading of every word I broke out my tub of playdough and am going to make a big soft fish hook to put down a rabbit hole next to where I am growing a very tall bean stalk. If I don't do that I will make scones. Or throw my first soul/sole dinner.
Signed: Sole For Remembererance
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