Enhancing Exercise #2: Story Telling
Make up a theme for a story. Choose a collection of seven random past memories; add five wishes, and three current events. From this costruct a story. We can tell stories by our self to our self or to any available audience. Afterwards jot down any aspects of the storyteller’s mind, which hold interest or value. Look for an awareness of shifting time. Notice a different quality of speaking voice. See if any unexpected connections or details insinuate themselves in the story.

Keep using the
same basic story
and notice when ]
other details insert
Include them.
After the story sits
dormant for a while,
tell it
and see what gets included
and what gets left out
this time.
Develop the story from a different
character’s perspective.
Select an audience
and begin to tell the story,
preferably with little explanation.
We can tell the listeners
that we might do something
like this sometime.
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