Casting the Spell#3: Make Up Five.
Using experiences in life, make up five precepts for a walking meditation. Yes all of the above are available. Use them for a set period of time. See how they transform over time and what insights they uncover.
[experience begat transformation]
Social Spells
Some of my favorite spells serve social emotional needs. They probably simplify down to two words. ‘”Like me!” It has the meaning of be my friend, hold me in positive regard. It does not mean be like me, which the same expression could demand. The intent of each one contradicts the other. Unfortunately far too often the fear and anxiety of existence corrupts our intent. So that we think, if everyone seemed like us, we would feel less anxious. I expect if we seemed more similar, most of us would be severely under-stimulated. Also solutions to problems would elude our ability to discover novel solutions given our similar perspective. In casting my “like me!” spell, I have learned a lot about play. Surprisingly many of us are misled* by our initial impressions.
[emotion begat intention]
Although first impressions give a map of our intuitive read of social connections, many distortions have to be navigated playfully to avoid the pit falls of first impressions. For most of us first impressions tell more about how we want to seem in community rather than how we interact. We project our misperceptions out onto the community and then make discoveries, if we pay close attention. Unfortunately many people will not play this game through and rob each other of the subtler richness of community. In workshops discover the richness of people overlooked by opening up awareness to the random meetings and groupings that occur In brief encounters initially unnoticed people can change the sense of the group. Attractive people offer a false source of strength. Time and again this playful scenario presents itself in social groups for our inspection. It started in the sand box and continues right through adult life. It seems we all benefit as human beings,
[first impressions begat emotion begat intention]
(Writing these pages spans several shifts in perspective. One shift occurred here a few drafts ago and I have been at a loss as to how to tie the threads together. A hole has opened amid some play threads. They have to do with a realization that the various “Like Me!” scenarios have a shadow side called “don’t get mad at me.” The credibility of the first dissolves because the true nature gives way to self-protection. “Don’t get mad at me” gets played so effectively that I notice many details about a group of people and I can engage socially within a group of people. It’s exhausting; I would not recommend it. I think our energy and creative interests could be more joyfully and effectively focused.)
[joy begat effectiveness]
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