So okay: three journal entries (i)
Friday Dec 26ishth 2008 or several days before (created Sunday Dec 14th, recreated some Sunday Dec 20ishth, 2009)
Let’s just say that since you were about ten, you wanted to write a book, and let’s say every few years after that you would start some writing or collect some idea for a book. And then let’s just suppose you got older and decided to take time off from your work to write a book. Let’s assume that you aren’t really a writer, but more the kind of somebody who likes to jot down ideas. In fact you have been filling volumes of paper pages with ideas since you finished high school.
Now granted you’re a playful sort, so you have decided about a decade ago that the book will be about how to be more playful in your everyday adult life, it follows that the intention is for the book to capture some of the playfulness in your life and to encourage others who want to be more playful to be so immediately, with every turn of the page, so to say.
Looking for some documents, I came across a file marked ideas for my book. This is not a recent file.
What I hope to communicate is a sense of playfulness that informs much of my life. It isn’t fun and games, so much as an attitude and a bit of humor. I savor creative unexpected solutions. I like the feeling that finding-something-that-will-work-for-what-is-needed evokes. As a collection these feelings refer to the personal solutions to dilemmas that face a grown man.
I believe most humans can choose to be more playful and that we could enjoy a lot more of what happens in life, if we made this choice.
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