How odd, I clearly was close to something and it evaded me. Even though I had a sense of it, it didn’t stay. But like a lost thread of a dream, elusion stands. I don’t know when it will return. I am aware of waiting. Well, I wait, then. I wake the next morning and here it is; it is a sigh. A breath that reorients me to what is in front of me, around me, what offers to engage me. I am here. Sighs are sometimes interpreted as impolite, so we are socialized to stifle them. But I think the sigh realigns inner and outer worlds, or it can do that, given a chance. It is a type of mini-meditation. So yesterday was about sighing and being present.
Yawns aren’t about being tired but are probably a realignment of muscle groups. Sometimes we only let ourselves realign at the end of the day. And why are yawns contagious? Can we hear them? Perhaps it isn’t visual.
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