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Pass into the realm of make believe. The truth anchors our ship in a safe harbor. We leave our everyday life safely protected. We begin to enhance an altered credibility.
Enhancing Exercise #1:Detailing a belief.
Take an improbable idea that you always wished were true and develop support for the idea. Keep it light and focused, and set a limit on the time involved. After that time carry the belief to someone else Hint: Don’t have a starting point, Consider as an example laughing as though tickled by something.
Take a quote from someone, but quote it as misheard. Take an idea that seems trivial. Take a behavior or expression that comes from family stories. Take a page from Miss Manners. Read about some other culture and adapt it. Seed a direction of inquiry.
Embark on deepening the mystery. Remember from childhood how to spin a yarn or a long tale. Return to times when saying, “You’ll never guess what happened to me!” blends several things that happened with several wished for scenarios.
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