Sigh. it begins with a wobble and several layers of journal like reflections. Then I include a series of inductions/introductions.
Of course that really happens all along. Eventually the ideas form into more formal/formzl layers that reflect my play beliefs and current techniques.
Finally the whole thing folds back on itself and repeats the full text in reverse so that the end is the beginning as seems only fair in such things. And both here and there we stand at the beginning, ready to start. The cyclic nature mimics a calendar and suggests a journey. The layers intend to explore beliefs more deeply, though depth can be an illusion. Most of the blatant errors are mistakes; a few are dedicated to the humor of such a venture. At times I knew which were which. Now I offer a blanket apology. I created all the images, because pictures tell another story. Frequently I delighted in how this progressed.
I appreciate if any piece of this project provides or inspires enjoyment: mostly it is here as a dedication to more playful living in all corners of the planet. May the earth survive us.
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