Reconnect with playfulness
Life on all levels balances thoughts with feelings and thoughts and feelings with knowledge. Through behavior we express the knowledge derived from thoughts and feelings. I think of this dynamic as always being in motion. It doesn’t stop even while we sleep. Sometimes one aspect like a branch of a mobile needs a little tweak to move into a smoother orbit with the others. We begin where we start to notice something and move through our intents and wishes toward where our inquiries lead. Like with any mobile, we always arrive and depart.
**Never repeat
A ninth assumption about play derives from a wish not to repeat our self. This represents a tricky edge. Most of us remember hours of playing at the same activity without apparent loss of interest or focus. Part of this relates to developmental stages, but another part conforms to a way we have been taught to move on to new things. During repetition subtle distortions occur that clue us in to new perspectives. With the cycles of repetition, we begin to invent new activities:: Rest a little longer with repetitions.
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