So what do we mean by casting the spell? Can we get any clearer? We charm something. We refer to making something or some place the focus of special attention. Possibly we emphasize the improbable or the unlikely. We focus our attention on some aspect of reality while drawing attention away from other aspects. This dance of energy represents a fundamental of Fung Shui and many martial arts. It is the essence of a magic trick. We have some experience with this energy. For some reason everyone seems to have a different name for it, and some times it is elevated to the divine, and sometimes it is demoted to a negative shadow.
[charm begat attention]
(Or even to the seven deadly virtues: lying, cheating, greed, avarice, stinginess, jealousy, envy,)
[cheating begat lying]
Since casting a spell focuses attention, it can be used as a type of prayer or meditation. If we regard an aspect of divine energy as housed within our own being, then we in effect make a connection to that energy by casting a playful spell. In the language of a statement like, ‘ I set a stage and act from it,’ we can focus our attention. We can call these statements spells of good will.
[connection begat play begat energy]
Great energy can be channeled by human experience for the good of the community. We recall what degree of good can come from a man like Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi in leading groups of individuals toward personal freedom within the boundary of a responsible community. Our memory of them, even inaccurate attributions to them can inspire us, charm us, into being community minded and generous. We can play with intention.
[good begat community]
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